Proud to present various award winning works by IZ artists!
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1. Silver Medal, Graphis International Poster Annual 2023: Promotional poster for the book The Face of the Deep, by Paul J. Pastor, published by David C. Cook
2. Promotional poster for the documentary on the history of Latin Jazz, Los Olvidados. Silver Awards in the Graphis International Poster Annual 2023 + Bronze Medal Illustration West (Society of Illustrators Los Angeles) + Shortlisted Communication Arts + Selected for 2022 Peru Poster Biennial
Selected, Society of Illustrators 65, Book and Exhibition (NYC 2023) Client: In These Times, A series of illustrations about a strike by factory workers in Mexicali
Selected, Society of Illustrators 65, Book and Exhibition (NYC 2023)
Client: The New Yorker Client: O'Brien Press
Certificate of Merit 3X3
Kitsune, illustration created for an exhibition curated by Viive Noor, Italy

Voices, Winner, Moderat Poster competition, organized by Tinal Song in collaboration with Viva Festival, Italy
Theatre is Alive, Honourable Mention, 3X3
Award of Excellence, Communication Arts, Emerging from a Year of Loss. Client: Brio
Award of Excellence, Communication Arts, Students Well Being during Pandemic, Client: Education Week
Award of Excellence, Communication Arts, Selected, American Illustration Remote Learning and Suicide, Client: Education Week, illustration created for an article about student well-being during the pandemic
Selected, American Illustration, The Nine Colours Deer, personal work.
This series of images was inspired by a traditional story Danlin heard as a child,
A Deer of Nine Colors. The original story is based on the Buddhist Jataka tale, which was discovered in the form of cave paintings from the Mogao Caves.
Selected, Society of Illustrators 65, Book and Exhibition (NYC 2023)
Dubliners (Young readers series) for Penguin UK
Award of Excellence, Communication Arts: Autumn, personal work
Merit Award 3x3 n. 18 and Selected Society of Illustrators NYC n. 64 Book and Exhibition (NYC 2022): Labyrinth, Vinyl Cover. Client: Rat! Hammock
Selected, Society of Illustrators 65, Book and Exhibition (NYC 2023)
Nothing to Hide Under the Sun. Client: Poetry Foundation

Selected, Society of Illustrators 65, Book and Exhibition (NYC 2023)
Civil War, a series of illustrations for Foreign Policy, for an article about a potential civil war in the US
1. Mingus 100, Selected for the 17th edition of The International Poster Biennial in Mexico
2. Harlem, Selected for the 2022 Peru Poster Biennial
Poster for the 2022 Harlem Roots & Rhythm Urban Dance Festival. Client: Harlem Swing Dance Society.
Cover for the jazz compilation Nostalgia II, Client: ChillHop Music
Selected Society of Illustrators 64 Book and Exhibition (NYC 2022)

Shortlisted, Communication Arts, Cover art for Jacobin (Germany)

See more artists HERE
See more award winning works HERE